Slight chance of rain in Jordan today

Temperatures are slightly below the average for this time of year, with pleasant conditions especially in mountainous areas, while it feels relatively warm in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, and Aqaba, along with the presence of low-lying clouds.

According to a report from the Jordan Meteorological Department (JMD), there is a slight chance of light rain in limited areas of northern Jordan, with moderate northwesterly winds that may occasionally gust.

For Monday night, temperatures will be relatively cool in mountainous regions and mild in other areas, with light northwesterly winds.

The department warned in its statement of “reduced horizontal visibility” in the early morning hours due to fog over high mountain areas. Additionally, there is a warning about the risk of slipping on roads in areas experiencing rainfall.

Jordan will remain under the influence of a mild autumn air mass during the day on Monday, with moderate to cool conditions throughout the day and relatively chilly weather at night – per Arabiaweather’s forecasts.

The center noted that cool and humid northwesterly currents will continue to flow into Jordan, with low clouds expected. Light, scattered rain showers may occur in some northern areas during the morning hours.

It also forecasted relatively cold weather late at night and early in the morning, especially over mountainous areas.

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