Queen Rania: Gaza is breaking all sorts of records in worst ways

In a recent interview with ABC News, Her Majesty Queen Rania discussed the devastating impact of the ongoing Israeli Occupation aggression on Gaza.

Queen Rania emphasized the dire circumstances in Gaza, stating, “Gaza, which is a third of the size of New York, has been hit with more explosives than Dresden, Hamburg, and London combined throughout World War II.”

She highlighted the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in the densely populated area, noting that “70 percent of those killed are women and children,” and that Gaza is “breaking all sorts of records in all the worst ways: the highest rate of starvation…the highest cohort of child amputees.”

She urged for accountability, stating, “the response to October 7 is not justifiable,” and called the current situation a “breaking of international law,” emphasizing that “impunity never corrects itself.”

Addressing the role of the US and other world leaders, Queen Rania said, “I think the expressions of concern or even calls for a ceasefire really are meaningless when you continue to provide arms that kill civilians.” She called for a reevaluation of the US support strategy, arguing that “the answer is never more arms; that only leads to more violence and more escalation.”

Queen Rania expressed alarm over escalating violence in the West Bank and Lebanon, warning that “the risk of a regional escalation is now dangerously high.”

She criticized “Israeli” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s approach, suggesting that his actions may be politically motivated.

“He’s trying to appeal to the most extreme elements in his government. And frankly, he’s doing it because he can get away with it.”

She outlined several principles that should guide future negotiations, stating, “there can never be justice without accountability,” and stressed the importance of upholding international law.

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