Jordanian Seismic Observatory records 419 seismic activities in 2024

Jordanian Seismic Observatory has recorded 419 seismic activities since the beginning of the year, including 92 local earthquakes throughout the Kingdom and nearby border areas.

A report from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources revealed that the observatory noted 192 regional earthquakes, mostly concentrated in the Pacific and Indian Ocean regions, and 132 distant earthquakes, mainly in Turkey, Greece, and Iran.

The mid-year 2024 report detailed that local earthquakes were concentrated in areas such as Wadi Araba, the Jordan Valley, Mount Carmel, Tiberias, the Dead Sea, the Gulf of Aqaba, southern border areas, and Sarhan Valley.

Specifically, seismic monitoring devices recorded 13 earthquakes in Wadi Araba, 39 in the Jordan Valley, Mount Carmel, Tiberias, and adjacent border areas, 24 in the Dead Sea, 14 in the Gulf of Aqaba and nearby southern borders, and a single earthquake in Sarhan Fault area near Zarqa.

The national network of seismic monitoring stations in Jordan includes 23 weak motion stations (telemetric), covering the entire Kingdom, with 20 Jordanian stations, one from the German Institute GFZ, and one from the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Organization (CTBTO), all connected to the Jordanian network.

Additionally, there are 19 strong motion monitoring stations distributed across main cities and dams to record ground acceleration for earthquake-resistant engineering designs. The observatory receives seismic data around the clock from all stations spread throughout the Kingdom.

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