Hot weather forecast Wednesday

 A rise in temperatures is expected on Wednesday, bringing hot weather in most regions, and sweltering conditions in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, and Aqaba. Winds will be moderate and northwesterly.

According to the Jordan Meteorological Department, a heat wave will affect the Kingdom on Thursday due to a hot and dry air mass from the Arabian Peninsula. Temperatures will rise further, resulting in hot weather over the highlands and plains, and scorching conditions in other regions.

Some clouds will appear at moderate altitudes in the eastern parts of the Kingdom, with moderate northwesterly winds that will be active at intervals.

On Friday, the heat wave will persist, with maximum temperatures exceeding the seasonal average by about 7-8 degrees Celsius. The weather will be dry and hot over the high mountain highlands and extremely hot in other areas, with moderate northeasterly winds that will become active in the afternoon and shift to northwesterly.

Today’s maximum and minimum temperatures in eastern Amman range between 23-36 degrees Celsius, in western Amman 21-34C, in the northern highlands 19-31C in the Sharah highlands 18-32C, and in the Gulf of Aqaba 28-44degrees Celsius.

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