Palestine witnessing complex situations at all levels: PM

Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh said that Palestine is witnessing unprecedentedly complex situations at all levels that the country has not seen before, stressing the absence of a political horizon, the financial blockade, and the Israeli Occupation’s piracy of Palestinian money.

This came during the PM’s meeting with the Director of Middle East and North Africa Affairs at the British Foreign Office Stephen Hickey, in the presence of the British Consul General in Jerusalem Diane Corner.

The Prime Minister said that the Israeli Occupation’s measures that Palestinians are witnessing from the incursions into the Palestinian areas and settlement expansion constitute a “re-occupation of the West Bank.”

Shtayyeh called on the UK to work, alongside the US and the international community, to pressure the Israeli Occupation to abide by all agreements signed.

This includes holding elections in all Palestinian territories, especially Jerusalem, and stopping all unilateral measures.

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