China says AIIB operates with ‘openness, meritocracy and transparency’

Beijing said on Thursday the China-based Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank operated with “openness, meritocracy and transparency”, after a former executive claimed it was dominated by the ruling Communist Party.

“Based on my understanding, the AIIB abides by the principles of openness, meritocracy and transparency in employee hiring and management,” foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told a regular briefing.

Wang’s comments came after Bob Pickard, a former communications chief at the bank, made explosive allegations after resigning this week, telling AFP he left China hastily over concerns for his safety.

Speaking from Tokyo, he said the bank “serves China’s interest” and the Chinese Communist Party wields “undue” influence over every aspect of its operations.

Wang said: “Since its establishment more than seven years ago, the AIIB has adhered to international, normative and high-standard operations with the joint efforts of all members.

“A series of important achievements have been made in institutional building, strategic policies and investment work, which have been widely recognized by the international community,” he said.

The bank employed staff from 65 countries and economies, Wang said.

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