Fair weather forecast almost countrywide Saturday-JMD

Husam13 أبريل 2024آخر تحديث :
Fair weather forecast almost countrywide Saturday-JMD

 The weather on Saturday will be pleasant almost countrywide and warm in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, and Aqaba, Jordan Meteorological Department (JMD) said in its daily update.

According to the JMD report, the weather on Sunday will be pleasant almost nationwide during the daylight hours and warm in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, and Aqaba. In the afternoon hours, scattered showers of rain may fall in parts of the northern Badia for a limited period.

At night, the weather is relatively cold almost kingdom-wide and the temperature is pleasant in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, and Aqaba, the JMD pointed out.

Also today, temperatures in the capital Amman will hit a high of 24 degrees Celsius, dipping to 10C, while the port city of Aqaba will see a blistering 32C, dropping to 18C at night

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