Summery weather expected for two days, followed by intense heatwave

According to the Jordan Meteorological Department (JMD), Monday is projected to have temperatures slightly below the average for this time of year. The mountainous areas and plains will experience a moderate and summery climate, while the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, and Aqaba are expected to have hotter conditions.

Low-level clouds will appear in the northern and central regions, while winds will be moderate, blowing from the northwest, occasionally picking up and potentially causing dust in the eastern Badia regions.

Tuesday will see a slight increase in temperatures while maintaining a normal and summery weather pattern in the mountainous areas and plains. However, the Badia, Jordan Valley, Dead Sea, and Aqaba will experience hot conditions. The winds will be moderate, blowing from the northwest.

On Wednesday, Jordan is anticipated to face a heatwave as a hot and dry air mass moves into the country from the Arabian Peninsula. Consequently, a significant rise in temperatures is expected, resulting in hot weather across most areas and extremely hot conditions in the Badia, Jordan Valley, Dead Sea, and Aqaba.

The heatwave will persist on Thursday, with hot weather prevailing in most areas and extremely hot conditions persisting in the Badia, Jordan Valley, Dead Sea, and Aqaba. The winds will be moderate, blowing from the northeast, occasionally picking up.

Today’s peak temperatures will be between 31 and 29 degrees Celsius in Amman and various highlands throughout the Kingdom, with lows of 20 or even 16 degrees in the southern highlands at night. The Gulf city of Aqaba will have scorching weather, with highs of 40C and lows of 27C.

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