Israeli occupation forces raid homes of former Palestinian prisoners in East Jerusalem, seize money and cars

Israeli occupation forces this morning raided the homes of several former Palestinian prisoners in occupied East Jerusalem and seized money and personal property, mainly cars, according to local sources.

Amjad Abu Assab, head of the committee of families of former Jerusalem prisoners, said the Israeli forces raided homes of former prisoners in several East Jerusalem neighborhoods, took whatever cash money they found, as well as jewelry, and seized vehicles, some belonging to their parents or wives, under the pretext that the former prisoners were receiving allowances and salaries from the Palestinian Authority.

At least the homes of 16 former prisoners were raided and ransacked during the search, said Abu Assab.

Israel has waged a campaign to seize the money the former prisoners, who served time in Israeli jails for their resistance of the occupation, were receiving from the Palestinian treasury to help their families survive during their imprisonment. They also seized money from their bank accounts.

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