Labor Ministry launches anti-child labor campaign

Stocks11 يونيو 2020آخر تحديث :
Labor Ministry launches anti-child labor campaign


The Labor Ministry launched a campaign to tackle child labor under the title “Protecting children from work is our priority,” after the Jordan Labor Watch warned of an increase in child labor due to the COVID-19 crisis.

In a press statement on Thursday, the ministry called on employers to refrain from exploiting child labor, in compliance with the provisions of the Jordanian Labor Law, urging families of underage children to heed the dangers of child labor.

It pointed out that the issue of child labor is a pressing economic and social issue that the ministry is working to resolve, noting that it’s prioritizing the protection of children from economic exploitation as a result of illegal work, and from working jobs that may cause health, physical, mental, or educational risks through the implementation of legislative, administrative, social and educational measures, setting a minimum age for employment, and imposing penalties.

Additionally, the statement outlined governmental measures during the COVID-19 crisis to address child labor directly and indirectly, including providing remote education via television channels and educational platforms, banning children under the age of sixteen from movement completely during the imposed curfew, increasing inspection campaigns of sectors authorized to operate during the crisis, and taking legal action against employers who violate child labor laws.

Jordan is considered one of the first countries to ratify the international conventions on protecting children from exploitation, the ministry highlighted.


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