Health Ministry urges strict commitment to COVID-19 regulations

Stocks19 أكتوبر 2020آخر تحديث :
Health Ministry urges strict commitment to COVID-19 regulations


The Ministry of Health Monday called on all citizens to “take the responsibility” and strictly adhere to coronavirus prevention standards and commit to wearing masks when directly dealing with people amid a surge in virus cases.

The ministry explained in a press release the importance of face coverings, using sterilizers, avoiding gatherings, social occasions and festivities, adhering to physical distancing regulations when coming in contact with persons or visiting official departments, as well as using the Aman application.

It urged the public to call the emergency coronavirus number 111, and to report to a doctor when showing any of the symptoms of the disease, such as high temperature, shortness of breath and muscle pain.

The doctor will call the competent authorities on the next step, including self-quarantine or going to an accredited centre or sending a special vehicle to take an infected person to a testing facility.

The Ministry urged cooperation with epidemiological investigation teams to test the largest possible number of contacts.


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